

We are part of our natural world. We use its resources to grow our communities, and we protect and replenish what has been lost. It is vital we continue to use our earth in a sustainable way so our grandchild have the benefits we did.

Who We Are

Northern Prairies Land Trust was established in 1999 to preserve the unique ecosystems of the Upper Grasslands. We are a non-profit conservation organization with the overall goal of providing land preservation tools to landowners in South Dakota and Nebraska. Since our inception, we have made great strides in securing easements on over 7,000 acres, including areas famously chronicled by the explorers Lewis and Clark. We are continually working on new easements and also use our conservation expertise to act as a referral source for other private and governmental organizations.

What We Do

NPLT works with private landowners one-on-one to provide long-term, legally sound conservation strategies to protect the natural and economic elements of their land. Our primary tool for accomplishing our mission is the perpetual conservation easement. With a conservation easement, a landowner is able to protect the unique values of certain lands for all time.

How We Do It

Even though there are common elements to every easement, such as those precluding subdivision, commercial development, and other activities detrimental to soil, water or wildlife habitat, each easement is tailored to the unique character of the land and the conservation goals of its owners. In addition, NPLT works extensively with governmental and private partners to enhance the availability of current conservation programs, and to develop new and innovative solutions for the preservation of natural resources.